Thursday, October 7, 2010

Buggy in the big town

Seattle Seattle! A great city. We had so much fun and did not want to leave. Seeing the big city through our little Jack's eyes certainly exposed us to all the wonders there are...

A trip to the Seattle Aquarium down at Pike's Place. Jack loved being an octopus.

We rode the monorail down to the space needle and had a delicious picnic by a giant fountain.

We had donuts and coffee early every morning at a place called Top Pot donuts a block from our hotel.

Jack's first major league game at Safeco field. It was the last game of the season to a struggling team. Jack was enthralled with all the noise and action.

On our last night, we walked down to the water and took in the spectacular panaramas. We had a wonderful, wonderful time in the Emerald City.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Banana Buggy

My baby ate his first solid food today, a few bites of banana. Dad fed Buggy with a little spoon. Buggy made a few faces and tentatively took the banana in his mouth. He wrinkled his eyebrows in concern, his hands moved up and down, and took a few swallows. Just a little banana, but I was overcome with pride and happy sadness.

I've fed Jack all breastmilk all the way and I remember when I first saw him when he was born, how he immediately latched on to eat! And here is my boy eating his first bites of banana!

He's a big, healthy boy, so robust and strong! I am so thankful for that. I will continue to nurse him for awhile yet, but no doubt about it, he's on his way to being a big boy. Yay Jack!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Raised in Carolina

Jack and I went back east to ol' Cackalackee. Daddy saw us off in Seattle and went to a Mariners game.

We arrived in Jacksonville and it was night time, humid and humming with bugs. I hadn't been back for a long time. My parents drove us to their beach house in the little town of Snead's Ferry. They were so happy to see Buggy and could not get over his "pretty" face.

Snead's Ferry is a sleepy hot little town, full of shrimps, oysters, and crabs. My dad caught me some hermit crabs which were my pets. They have an annual shrimp pageant, but the festival was not on while I was there, so I could not be crowned Shrimp Queen. We did a lot of fishing. My dad is a good fisherman.

Little buggy got to go to the beach and see the ocean and many seashells, birds, and even a baby owl my dad rescued. Granddad loved carrying Jack everywhere in a pouch like an old man kangaroo.

Mom cooked many meals for us. Since she could. It was really good seeing my mom and understanding what it is to be a mom myself. We related birthing stories and breastfeeding. Mom had unassisted labor at home- my dad pulled my brother from her- I had a great appreciation of how brave she is.

Our trip to North Carolina was wonderful. Buggy liked the sea air, especially after knowing nothing but arctic winter. I ate many a Krispy Kreme donut and Bojangles BBQ biscuits. We let our hermit crab friends go back to their ocean home. Then we left to go back home to Daddy. We missed him terribly. When we got to Fairbanks, the snow had melted and it was sunny out- we gave Daddy a big hug.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jack's First Plane Ride

Jack flew on a plane for the first time at 8 weeks old. He did great. We went down to Washington for my flight attendant training and stayed in the beautiful town of SeaTac.

We rode the light rail from one end to the other, getting off at the Westlake stop. I bought Jason birthday sushi at a food court at a bus stop. There were lots of people waiting for the bus doing the things that people do at bus stops.

The light rail is brand new and the stations are still shiny and clean. You don't go through turnstiles. The "authorities" come on randomly, stand still at the doors for a couple of authoratative seconds, and then go around inspecting tickets. I got to see parts of Seattle that I've never seen, like the Vietnamese and Filipino sections and the deportation building.

Jason and Jack visited mama at the training center for feedings throughout the next day and it ended up working well. Everyone was happy to see a little baby and such a good papa. No snow down there, grass was green, and the temperature in the mid 50s so Jack also got his first walks in the open air. Jason carried Jack in the Ergo carrier and it was delightful to see them outside.

Our trip was basically all business, but we had ourselves a good time. We even got a free meal from Roasters. On the way back, Jack slept through some rocky turbulence and I think he likes planes almost as much as cars and lightrails. Next we'll go on a boat and a choo choo train.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Year's Post

jason started this blog a year ago. our black eyed peas worked because 2009 was a great year. this year, we had black eyed peas again and i believe we're in for another wonderful year. little jackaroo is here and we're excited to watch him grow and learn a little about livin and a lot about love.