Saturday, June 26, 2010

Banana Buggy

My baby ate his first solid food today, a few bites of banana. Dad fed Buggy with a little spoon. Buggy made a few faces and tentatively took the banana in his mouth. He wrinkled his eyebrows in concern, his hands moved up and down, and took a few swallows. Just a little banana, but I was overcome with pride and happy sadness.

I've fed Jack all breastmilk all the way and I remember when I first saw him when he was born, how he immediately latched on to eat! And here is my boy eating his first bites of banana!

He's a big, healthy boy, so robust and strong! I am so thankful for that. I will continue to nurse him for awhile yet, but no doubt about it, he's on his way to being a big boy. Yay Jack!!!