Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What Daddy Saw

A week or two before baby Jack was born Tonia explained to me that when a mothers water breaks it is not like the movies. Usually it is a trickle or a small stream or the water does not break until the mom is already at the hospital. When Tonia's water broke it was like in the movies. Tonia, Dana and I were all sitting on the couch. I was on sip number two of my beer when out of the corner of my eye I could tell something was happening with Tonia. She said "my water just broke", she stood up took off her drawers and out it came, lots of it. Our first instinct was to get everything ready to go to the hospital. I did as much as I could on my but Tonia was quite active for a few minutes. I continued getting ready while she and Dana relaxed and assesed the situation. We were definatley in the pre-labor stage.

We had already decided to stay at home as long as possible before traveling to the hospital. Things went very smoothly. Dana and I poured through our numerous baby books so we new what to do and when to leave. The timing and the intensity of the contractions were very steady so we decided to lay down and maybe go to sleep. Around 10:30 Tonia had another rush of fluid escape her. I decided it was time to go.

It was a good decision to leave because on the way to the hospital the contraction became more intense. We checked in and met Valerie, the woman who did wonders to get us trough the night. We settled in very quickly. We asked a few questions and gave Valerie our birth plan. The next few hours were all about the contractions. It is hard to see your wife go through so much pain. I did what I could by holding Tonia's hand and giving her words of incouragement. Valerie was champion when it came to soothing Tonia during the hard contractions. She was very relaxed and had a very soft and assuring voice. Tonia called out to her many times during labor. I thank her very much for being there, we got very lucky with a great nurse. I don't recall exactly when the midwife arrived but she was a welcome sight. I knew we were getting closer to meeting baby Jack. Tonia wanted to push very badly and asked a few times if she could. Finally it was time. During this stage Dana held one of Tonia's feet while I held the other. While we did this Tonia grabbed her thigh are so help the process. I remember when I first saw that little bit of hair on Jack's head emerge. Another thing I remember was the absolute amazement of how much energy Tonia was putting into the pushing process. She would put any man to shame with what she gave. I knew she was giving everything she had. After seeing the crown of Jack's head a few minutes earlier I was shocked when his entire head came out. It was so big. Tonia followed the last few instructions including and big push followed by rapid small pushes. When Jack came out I was overwhelmed with emotions. I cried big time. They immediately placed Jack on Tonia's chest. Tonia giggled because the umbilical chord was tickling her. This made me cry even harder because I was laughing and crying at the same time. I took a picture of the placenta and then held Jack for the first time while Tonia was getting cleaned up. It was an unbelieveable feeling. As much as a loved holding newborn baby Jack I loved giving him back to Tonia. I was beyond proud seeing Tonia hold Jack. She went though nine months carrying the little fella and experience such and tough but rewarding experience during labor, without and epidural by the way. Tonia was champion of the world during labor. The nurse and the midwife said it was the best labor they had seen in years. They even said she should teach a birth class. For the past nine months and six days Tonia has been the greatest mother and wife imaginable. I love you Tonia and I love you Jack.

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